Recipe to an amazing relationship:


  • Two people 👫 👭 👬
  • Basic compatibility 👫 (duh)


  • Understanding😊
  • Trust🔄
  • Fun 😋
  • Genuinity ✅✔
  • Comfort💆
  • Intimacy😈 (as per taste-preference) 

Preparation time:

  • Varies among relationships. 


  • Globally appreciated taste.
  • Take care not to imbalance the ingredients more often, because then, things might get lil’bit on the spicier side.

What does it look like:

They wake up to each other’s texts, either wishing good morning, or yelling at the other for dozing off while on call the night before 😂 .

When they see each other, everything else around them seems to vanish! All hearts everywhere and romantic violin music in the background… Just kidding 😂 it’s more like they see the one they can be ‘themselves’ around, without any filters.(comfort)

He is a strong alpha man in front of the world, but doesn’t hesitate to show her his vulnerable side. To the world, she’s a strong independent woman, but only he knows about all her insecurities. (Understanding , Trust , Genuinity)

He needs no suit or expensive shoes to impress her. She needs no long parlor sessions or sexy dresses to impress him. They love each other equally, whether in branded apparel or in night suits. ( Comfort ,  Genuinity)

They tease each other, hug, and snuggle. They get naughty when no one’s around, and sometimes when everyone’s around 😉😈. ( Intimacy )

And above all, they are the best of friends. They love outings with each other, trying new cuisines, trying on funky costumes, going movies & concerts. They enjoy each others company. In a relationship, a lil’ less love at times can be dealt with, but being best of buddies is a really important part. It makes stuff oh-so-simple at times. ( Fun )

And in the end, a small message —

To all the people out there who are in a romantic relationship– Try to understand that even the best of relationships have troubles. Even the best of couples have fights. But before taking any decision, try placing yourself in your partner’s shoes and think. The little five letter word can do wonders, regardless of whose mistake it was. 

“Sometimes you say sorry not because the mistake was your’s, but because you value the relationship more than your ego”

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